Tribute to Those Who Serve
© 2008 Chuck Klein
(Published 30 Mar 08, Brown County [Ohio] Press)
Memorial, Veterans and Independence
Are American tear producing days
When we honor our soldiers
Past and present.
We are so blessed
To have such patriotic citizens
Who have unselfishly "served" this country
So many times.
But right here on our soil
And in highly visible positions
Are others of every affiliation
Who "serve" this great nation.
Everyday our first line of defense
Our police officers and firefighters
Unflinchingly "serve" at risks
That cost some their livelihood, and lives.
There are, of course, far more
Who "serve" America and Americans
Monetarily and via countless philanthropic groups
That contribute to our common good.
Complementing these benevolent associations
Is a multitude of unorganized volunteers
Who quietly "serve" at hospitals, libraries
And the vast number of eclectic, charitable fund-raisers.
America is unique
Inasmuch as this cadre of unpaid citizens
Take such good care of each other
That the impersonal socialization
Found in other countries
Is not needed here.
Innumerable, decent, law-abiding citizens,
The over-whelming majority of Americans,
Also "serve" their country
By challenging unjust rules, standing up to wrong-doers
Or facing down bullies.
If warfare ever threatens our front door
There should be no doubt that our neighbors,
The ones who keep and bear arms,
Will stand back-to-back and shoulder-to-shoulder
To tender their "service."
May God bless America and every American
Where ever they may be
And in whatever capacity they may "serve."