E-Mail Editorials 2025






Previous Weekly Editorials

 These short, weekly editorials have been going out to my private list of 300 +/- readers for over 15 years. If you would like to be included please email: cklein@chuckkleinauthor.com

Subject: Truths & Questions
Date Sent: 18 Feb 2025
1) Though truth is absolute, absolute is never absolutely absolute. 
2) DEI has been replaced by MMM: Merit, Money, McTrump. 
3) The only thing that lasts forever is nothing. 
4) Is the soul part of the brain or is the brain part of the soul? Can one have an evil brain and a good soul or vice versa?
5) Lowering standards is directly proportional to failure and inversely proportional to success. 
6) The ability to communicate via written words is what distinguishes humans from all other animals. Civil discourse is what differentiates humans. 
7) As we murderously progress toward our destiny of destruction, is it the warriors or politicians who stave off annihilation? 
8) Is Trump a tyrant, dictator, king, emperor, monarch or just a de jure President … or does it just depend on whether you’re a Republican or Democrat? 
9) If an unelected, life-tenured judge has the power/right to pause, halt, over-rule a Presidential order, would he/she also have the power/right to do same to a military general? How ‘bout a CO engaged in combat? Is this symptomatic of what’s right… or wrong with our republic?
10)  The secret to life is the ability to adapt to change.
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
Subject: Country Folk
Date Sent: 11 Feb 2025
The January snow/ice storm kept us snowbound for seven days. My farm tractor couldn’t move the 4” of snow on top of the 2” of ice that was over the 6” of the first snow on our ¾ mile driveway. We had plenty of food and no need to leave until a scheduled doctor’s appointment in a week. 
A neighboring farmer came on his mega tractor, but could only remove the top layer of snow. He refused payment. Then two more inches fell. It’s now Sunday and the MD appointment is Monday. I called a local contractor who said his plowing equipment was down for repair, but he would contact a competitor. An hour later, I got a call and a promise to plow me out even if it was late. 
Nine p.m. and my gravel roadways are clear. He could have gouged me, but he asked – not demanded - a reasonable amount. I’ve lived in the “country” most of my 82 years and I’ve never been surprised at the honesty, helpfulness and high ethics of rural folks. The next morning the doctor’s office cancelled. We went out anyway to treat ourselves to lunch and a food shopping spree. 
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
Subject: AI Questioned
Date Sent: 4 Feb 2025
Questions and answers I asked the artificial intelligence program, MS CoPilot:
1) What is AI? “Machine-driven decision-making and learning.”
2) Who is Chuck Klein author? The response was rapid, correct, well-written and referenced 3-sources – Amazon, Wikipedia and my website. However, there are other sources that have information about me that were not referenced.
3) What are your research limits? “I don’t have access to public records or certain types of sensitive information, and I can’t browse non-Microsoft websites.” At least Google offers links to gather such info.
4) Was Adolf Hitler good or bad? The reply gave historical evidence of his unsavory deeds concluding with an opinion: “So, in short, he was very bad.” I questioned CoPilot about whose perspective this opinion was based. A day later, I re-submitted the question and received a different answer: “…His impact was overwhelmingly negative.” Did CoPilot learn … or just twist the biased wording.
Of course, there are other AI programs that might have greater information access … and generate a different bias. 
Politicians, pundits, generals, techno-wizards have been preaching international co-operation for restraint, control, caution and gravity. Yeah right, like Russia and China could be trusted not to weaponize AI. 
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
Subject: See Change?
Date Sent: 28 Jan 2025
Some recent Sea changes – alterations in direction that impact the way things are heading: The Internet, cell phones, Trump’s second term. After 75 years of America progressively moving left, the pendulum has swung decidedly to the right with the beginning of the Trump era sea-change. The Democrats “pushed” themselves out of the picture. There’s an old Jewish saying: “You get too pushy, nobody likes you”. Pushing wokeism, DEI, transgenderism, military appeasement made the Democrats too pushy. 
About 25-30 years ago, artists and photographers who did not embrace digital technology were soon unemployed. Today, AI is displacing creative artists, writers, research and visual entertainment. The Trump era sea change  is evidenced by Republican solidarity; the softening of the liberal media; international anti-liberalism; and some Democrats moving right.
However, the greatest sea change occurred from 1944 and 1964 – the birth years of the baby-boomers. Their sheer liberal numbers generated economic surges, a less-confrontational military philosophy and a more permissive sexual and recreational drug society. Their impactful transformation also spawned high levels of air/water pollution, climate-change, incivility and crime. It’s an enigmatic irony to juxtapose Joe Biden, born in 1942, to Donald Trump who was born in 1946 and whose nominees/appointees are post-boomers. 
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
Subject: Whewwww
Date Sent: 21 Jan 2025
I was inside my farmhouse - miles from anywhere - yet at the moment of Donald Trump’s swearing in, I heard an unmistakable WHEWWW as in America was finally over the 75-year woke/DEI/liberal strangling of our heritage. Amid  assassination attempts and politically inspired sabotaging bureaucrats, the uplifting focal point of the past four years finally arrived. It was a “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore” coming to fruition moment. 
Today, it is most comforting and reassuring to feel secure and internationally respected again and not thought of as terrorist targets or potential hostages. Tomorrow we can expect:
* Our prisons to begin filling up; 
* Police and military restricted to qualified admission and merit promotion; 
* Entry into the U.S. will return to being a privilege and honor instead of a free-ride goal. 
After surviving Trump’s first administration of almost daily deep-state leaks (did you notice none during Biden) we’re ready for a complete house-cleaning. To non-believers, stick around you might come to like lower taxes, relaxed regulations and a less intrusive big brother. When Mr. Trump said the words: “So help me G-d” … we knew MAGA was now home. 
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
Subject: Who Gets It?
Date Sent: 15 Jan 2025
Republicans might be deplorable or trash, but they’re smart enough to understand Trump’s MAGA approaches - his methods of conducting political, domestic and military matters by utilizing intimidation, outlandish claims and threats. Targets of these real or pseudo bluffs will not be in an advantageous bargaining position. Those who chastise this unorthodox, bullying, goal-oriented practice … just don’t get it. 
By touting, for example, the takeover/purchase/annexation of Panama, Greenland, Canada, and/or changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico, DJT is taking the heat off  his real agendas. Call it bait and switch, or just aggressive negotiation by a businessman – not a politician. As Trump publicly tenders these unorthodox plans the opposition, political or military, must divert resources that weakens them while exposing their possible response. Get it? 
The masterful bluff is where the bluffee believes the charade is a bluff and relaxes his defense – just prior to the bluffer becoming the attacker. Some bluffs can be decided in seconds (is he going to hit me?) or decades – “We will bury you”. Bluffing is never a guarantee of winning and savvy competition can always counterbluff … but appeasers never win. Get it? 
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
Subject: Our Postal System
Date Sent: 7 Jan 2025
2014: I exercised the right to have my mailbox relocated (.4-mile) to the junction of my property line and the public road. The box would then be within ½ mile of my house requiring the carrier to deliver packages (too big for the box) to the door. 
2017: My neighbor (since moved) had a confrontation with the carrier by blocking his vehicle - violations of federal and state laws. The carrier did not report this to law enforcement – only to his superior - who then punished me by stopping all mail deliveries until I moved my box back to its previous location. He claimed the .4-mile portion of the road was unsafe, although UPS, FedEx, other delivery vehicles have never stopped making deliveries to the door. 
2024: I was permitted to return the box to the property line, only to be forced again to return it to the distant location. I filed suit in Federal District Court charging the USPS treatment of me was arbitrary and capricious and in violation of my constitutional rights. The Cincinnati Enquirer covered my 10-year battle in a front-page story feature article 18 Dec 2024 . 
Postal employee problems? I’d like to hear from you. 
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
