Suggested Solutions.

 © 2006 Chuck Klein

Regardless of whether you believe the liberals have been too lenient or the conservatives have been too strict, we, undeniably, have produced far to many government dependent, criminal idolizing citizens who have failed to assimilate to the American way of life. Of course, many children are the product of their home environment, a home where their parent's parents were the victim of the Great Society programs of 30-40 years ago. These adults are, for all intents and purposes, lost. If we can concentrate on the youth of today, tomorrow will be a better place.

1) TEACHERS: Selected instructors will stay with a class for twelve years. In other words, a first grade teacher will continue to teach the same group of students every year until graduation at grade twelve. This way each child will have at least one long term responsible adult to identify with and relate to during his/her formative years. A teacher, as a role model for twelve years, should have a very positive effect on any child. Parents, and this special teacher, will become de facto partners in the development of a competent citizen.

Probably the most beneficial attribute of this program is that the special instructor will also be in the unique position of being able to monitor his or her students for signs of parental abuse or other problems by observing year to year changes. A child who develops negative attributes would be easier to spot if observed over a long period of time. Likewise, year-to-year counseling (befriending) would have a greater and more positive impact when applied for the long term.

Circa 1957 front 2nd Two significant changes might be necessary to implement this plan: One, the school districts will have to return to neighborhood schools and, two, teachers selected for this special 12 year commitment should receive extra incentives such as one full year off - with pay - for each 12 year stint.

It is envisioned, that over a period of years, the bonding between students and teacher would evolve into a friendship based relationship. And, what could be more beneficial to our children than to be friends with one of the most respected members of society - a teacher?

2) CURRICULUM: Homeroom class time - everyday - should include discussions of ethics, morals, manners and anger management. Graduation from Junior High will require a written dissertation, presented orally, on the definition of Right & Wrong and what it means to the student. For graduation from Middle School, the subject shall be Manners, and for High School, Ethics.

3) COMMUNITY SERVICE: All high school students will be required to do some form of neighborhood aid after regular school hours and/or on weekends. Even those involved in sports and other sanctioned after school events will have to pay their dues in service to their community.

Parent/teacher approved community service could entail such duties such as litter patrol, reading to the sick and elderly or even assisting their own parents in home/church beautification projects. Some schools have already been involved in such a program - but it needs to be expanded.

4) DISCIPLINE: The right and power to discipline must be legislatively returned to line educators with the student's right of appeal limited only to the school principal, i.e., students/parents cannot sue the school or it's employees over matters of discipline.

5) CONSEQUENCES: If discipline problems involve violence, drugs, non-attendance, or disrespect of faculty; Junior, Middle and Senior High students will be sent to a special disciplinary school for up to six months, as determined by the Principal.

DISCIPLINARY SCHOOL, LEVEL I: Students sent here will wear issued uniforms and will not be allowed any personal property while in the school. The school day will be extended in order to include intramural sports and classes in morals, manners, anger management and ethics. After the sentence has been successfully served, the student will be returned to the school from which he or she came. If discipline problems re-occur the student will be sent to Level II.

Students ordered here by a school principal will have a hearing before a Juvenile Court Referee prior to admission. Level II students will wear an issued uniform, will not be allowed any personal property, will participate in school functions 12 hours per day and all students shall reside on campus.

· Recreation and entertainment will be limited to mandatory intramural sports. Television will be limited to news and educational programs.

· Daily student contact with parent/guardian will be required, but weekends at home will be optional. Any other off-campus activity must be supervised by a staff member. Permanent exit can only be accomplished by the student reaching the age of 18 or receiving a high school diploma. The student who reaches the age of 18 without earning a high school diploma will be restricted, for ten years, from owning firearms.

6) MILITARY SERVICE: All American citizens, within six months of graduating high school or exiting Level II Disciplinary School, shall begin service in the military for a period of not less than two years. Those who do not enlist will be drafted at the end of the six month exploratory term.

THE BADGE Requiring military service will not only strengthen our military presence, but will present a more mature class of work/college bound youths.